Showreel Order & Payment
As part of Acting For Camera Level 1 and Level 2 there is an option to pay for your edited course footage as a mini-showreel. This can only be offered to student members who have completed courses.
To purchase your showreel please complete the form below.
We cannot accept an order without a completed form and until after payment has been made.
Please be aware that we cannot accept orders until after a course has been completed and the final public screening has taken place. We also cannot accept orders until actors have had an opportunity to view their footage.
Showreel footage will be made available via a download link and provided in a format which is industry standard for film and tv.
Please allow 28 days for delivery.
The cost of the showreel is £50 per reel and is not per clip or scene.
Showreel orders will not be processed if any adult course fees are currently outstanding. Terms & conditions.
Payment Options
Paying by PayPal.
Please note although it is free to send funds PayPal levy a charge to receive funds. Class Act Drama Centre charge a small handling fee as a percentage of the total amount of course fees to cover these charges. This fee has been added to totals below.
If you would prefer to pay by BACS please indicate
this on the form below and an invoice will be emailed
to you with full details.

To send wait for the hand icon to appear on the send button and then click- Make sure all required fields are completed first.
If you experience any difficulty submitting this form please email us directly at classactdrama@aol.com